; Language customization file for the Molecular Weight Calculator program by Matthew Monroe
; Contact at alchemistmatt@yahoo.com and http://come.to/alchemistmatt/ or http://www.alchemistmatt.com/
; When customizing the phrases in this file, the ampersand symbol (&) signifies a
; keyboard shortcut. For example, the default value for key 1000 is &File. When
; running the program, the F in File will be underlined and the user may press Alt-F
; to access the File menu (in addition to clicking on the file menu)
; To improve usability of the program, please try to include the & symbol in menu items
; and buttons. Note, however, that if two controls on the same form have the same &
; shortcut, they will not respond to the alt key in the usual way.
; In this file, items surround by brackets [] are section headers -- the program ignores them
; when parsing the file. The key values (1000, 1010, 1020, etc.) should not be changed, with
; the exception that new caution statements may be added at the end of the file.
; Lines beginning with a semicolon (;) are also ignored since they are treated as comments
; However, you should not place a ; at the end of a line with an actual key and caption.
; Keys with multiple values separated by a vertical line (|) represent multiple items loaded
; into a ComboBox control. When translating to other languages, you must keep the same number
; of items in the list, or program functionality will be lost. For example, key 7070 contains
; hours|minutes|seconds Thus, hours, minutes, and seconds will be loaded into a control, from
; which the user may select one of them. In Spanish, you would use 7070=horas|segundos|minutos
; If you create a new .Ini file for a foreign language and would like it posted on my
; web page, simply e-mail it to me.
; Original English version
; For Molecular Weight Calculator v6.0
[frmMain Menus]
; Menu Items
1010=Edit &Elements Table
1020=Edit &Abbreviations
1030=&Calculate weights from text file
1040=&Print Results
1550=Copy Current Formula as &RTF
1560=Copy Current &Molecular Weight
1570=Copy P&ercent Composition Data
1580=Duplicate Current &Formula
1590=Erase &All Formulas
1600=Erase Current Formula
1610=E&xpand Abbreviations
1620=Convert to Empirical F&ormula
2010=&Multi View
2020=&Single View
2030=&Percent Solver
2510=&Mole/Mass/Dilution Converter
2520=&Formula Finder
2530=&Amino Acid Notation Converter
2533=&Peptide Sequence Fragmentation Modelling
2536=&Isotopic Distribution Modelling
2538=Show Isotopic &Distribution for Current Formula
2540=Math &Calculator
2550=Capillar&y Flow Calculator
3010=Choose &Language
3020=Change Program &Preferences
3030=Change &Formula Font
3040=Stay on &Top
3050=&Save and Restore Default Values
3060=&Restore Default Values and Formulas
3070=Save &Values and Formulas Now
3510=&Program Overview
3530=&Show Tool Tips
3540=&About MWT
[frmMain Status Messages and Verification Messages]
3600=The entire line is
3610=Are you sure you want to convert the current formula into its empirical formula?
3615=Convert to Empirical Formula
3620=Are you sure you want to erase the current formula?
3625=Erase Current Formula
3630=Are you sure you want to expand the abbreviations of the current formula to their elemental equivalents?
3635=Expand Abbreviations
3640=Restoring the default values and formulas will clear the current formulas. Are you sure you want to do this?
3645=Restoring Values and Formulas
3650=Set the Percent Solver target percentage of this element to a percentage. Select Reset to un-target the percentage or Cancel to ignore any changes.
3660=Use Page Up/Down or Up/Down arrows to move to the percents (F11 exits Percent Solver mode).
3665=Press Enter or Click to change a percentage (F11 exits Percent Solver Mode).
3700=Calculating, press any key or click the mouse to stop.
3710=x is
3720=Calculated Value
3740=Difference from Target
3750=% Solver On
3760=Molecular Weight Calculator Results
3770=Default values and formulas restored.
3780=Are you sure you want to erase all the formulas?
3785=Erase all Formulas
3790=Are you sure you want to quit?
3795=Exiting Program
3800=Loading Abbreviations
3810=Loading Elements
3820=(using average atomic weights)
3830=(using isotopic elemental weights)
3840=(using integer isotopic weights)
3850=New default language saved.
[Phrases common throughout application]
; The following is the abbreviation for Molecular Weight
; It must be exactly two letters long
; Form Caption
4900=Molecular Weight Calculator
; Labels
5010=Quick Switch Element Mode
5021=Use average weights of elements
5031=Use weight of most common isotope
5041=Use nominal integer weight of most common isotope
; TextBoxes
5051=Type the molecular formula here
; Buttons
5101=Determines the molecular weight of the current formula
5110=&New Formula
5111=Adds a new, blank formula to the list
5116=Displays a new, blank formula
; Grid control
5201=Click to set or reset a target value
; Status control
5301=Double click the status line to expand it
5350=The Molecular Weight Calculator is already running. Are you sure you want to start another copy?
5355=Already Running
5500=About MWT
5510=This program is Freeware; distribute freely
; Form Caption
6000=Amino Acid Notation Converter
; Labels
6010=One letter-based amino acid sequence
6020=Three letter-based amino acid sequence
; TextBoxes
6031=Enter sequence using 1 letter abbreviations here
6041=Enter sequence using 3 letter abbreviations here
; Buttons
6050=&Copy 3 letter sequence to formula:
6060=Copy to &Fragmentation Modeller
; CheckBoxes
6080=&Add space every 10 residues
6090=&Separate residues with dash
; Form caption
; Textbox
6511=Enter a mathematical expression to evaluate here
; Buttons
6521=Evaluates the current expression
; Status control
6601=Double click the status line to expand it
; Form Caption
7000=Capillary Flow and Mass Rate Calculations
; Combo Boxes
7010=Open Tubular Capillary|Packed Capillary
7011=Toggle between open and packed capillaries.
7020=Find Back Pressure|Find Column Length|Find Inner Diameter|Find Volumetric Flow rate|Find Flow Rate using Dead Time
7601=Enter custom numerical mass for use in computations
; Buttons
7700=Show/Hide &Peak Broadening Calculations
7710=&View Explanatory Equations
7730=View Equations
; Option Buttons
7750=&Use mass of compound in current formula
7760=&Enter custom numerical mass
; CheckBoxes
7800=&Link to Above
; ToolTips
7851=Typical viscosity value is 0.0089 poise
7861=Typical porosity value is 0.4
7871=Typical diffusion coefficient for small organics is 0.000001, i.e. 1E-6; Typical value for peptides is 0.000005, i.e. 5E-6
; Form Caption
8000=Change Formula Font
; Combo Boxes
; Labels
8050=Formula Font is currently
8060=Change Formula Font to:
8070=Font Size:
; Buttons
; Form Caption
8200=Change Value
; Buttons
8210=&Reset to Default
8400=Choose Language
; Labels
8410=Available languages are shown below. Please choose the language you wish to use.
8420=No language files are available. Visit the author's homepage to download alternate languages.
8600=Percent Solver Differences
8611=Copies the results to the clipboard
9000=Editing Abbreviations
; Buttons
9010=&Reset to Defaults
9011=Resets abbreviations to the program defaults
; Messages
9050=Maximum reached
9060=Sorry, only 50 amino acid abbreviations are allowed.
9070=Sorry, only 50 normal abbreviations are allowed.
9080=Please add the entry as a normal abbreviation.
9090=The abbreviation or molecular formula will be changed to the value you type. Select Remove to delete the abbreviation or Cancel to ignore any changes.
9100=Are you sure you want to lose all changes?
9105=Closing Edit Abbreviations Box
9110=Are you sure you want to reset the abbreviations to the default abbreviations?
9115=Reset to Defaults
;Table Tool Tip
9141=Click to change an abbreviation
; Table Column Titles
9160=Molecular Formula
9170=Normal Abbrev.
9180=Amino Acid Name
9190=1 letter
9200=Editing Elements
; Buttons
9210=&Reset to Defaults
9211=Resets elemental weights to their average weights
9230=Use &Average atomic weights
9231=Sets all elemental weights to their average weights found in nature
9240=Use weight of most common &Isotope
9241=Sets all elemental weights to the weight of the element's most common isotope (for high resolution mass spectrometry)
9245=Use &Nominal integer weight
9246=Sets all elemental weights to the nominal integer weight of the element's most common isotope (for low resolution mass spectrometry)
; Messages
9250=The elemental weight or uncertainty will be changed to the value you type. Select Reset to reset to the default value or Cancel to ignore any changes.
9260=Are you sure you want to reset all the values to their average elemental weights?
9265=Change to Average Weights
9270=Are you sure you want to reset all the values to their isotopic elemental weights?
9275=Change to Isotopic Weights
9280=Are you sure you want to reset all the values to their integer weights?
9285=Change to Integer Weights
9290=Are you sure you want to reset all the values to the default Elemental values (average weights)?
9295=Reset to Defaults
9300=If executed, this cannot be canceled.
9310=Are you sure you want to lose all changes?
9315=Closing Edit Elements Box
;Table Tool Tip
9341=Click to change an element's weight or uncertainty
9700=The typical use of the Formula Finder feature is for when the monoisotopic mass (weight) of a compound is known (typically determined by Mass Spectrometry) and potential matching compounds are to be searched for.
9701=For example, a mass of 16.0312984 Daltons is measured for a compound containing Carbon and Hydrogen, and the possible empirical formula is desired. Performing the search, with a weight tolerance of 5000 ppm results in three compounds, H2N, CH4, and O. Within 500 ppm only CH4 matches, which is the correct match.
9702=To correctly achieve use this feature, the program must be set to Isotopic Weight mode. This can be done manually by choosing Edit Elements Table under the File menu, or the program can automatically switch to this mode for you.
9703=Would you like to:
9705=The typical use of the Fragmentation Modelling feature is for predicting the masses expected to be observed with a Mass Spectrometer when a peptide is ionized, enters the instrument, and fragments along the peptide backbone.
9706=The peptide typically fragments at each amide bond. For example, the peptide Gly-Leu-Tyr will form the fragments Gly-Leu, Leu-Tyr, Gly, Leu, and Tyr. Additionally, the cleavage of the amide bond can occur at differing locations, resulting in varying weights.
; Buttons
; Option Buttons
9750=Switch to &Isotopic Weight mode now.
9760=Always automatically switch to Isotopic &Weight mode.
9770=Continue using &Average Weights.
; CheckBoxes
9780=&Stop showing this warning dialog.
10000=Formula Finder
; Labels
10010=Select appropriate elements or add your own, enter a molecular weight or percent compositions, then select calculate to find compounds that match the specifications.
10020=Maximum Weight of Formula:
10030=Molecular Weight of Target:
10040=Weight Tolerance:
10050=Percent Tolerance:
10100=Max Hits
10105=Atomic Wt.
; Percent completed status messages
10110=% Completed
10140=Sorting Interrupted
10145=Calculations Interrupted
10160=Formatting aborted
; Listboxes & Textboxes
10201=Double click any line to expand it
10221=Amount that target compound's weight can be from the target weight
10231=Amount that elemental percent compositions can be from the target percentage
10241=Maximum number of target compounds to find
10251=Minimum number of atoms in target compound
10256=Maximum number of atoms in target compound
10261=Percent composition of target compound that is
10270=# or Element or Abbrev.
10271=Type a weight for the custom element, an elemental symbol, or an abbreviation
; Note the following is 'dm' in English, standing for 'delta mass' or the mass difference
; of the given result's mass versus the target mass
; Note the following is 'ppm' in English, standing for 'parts per million'
; Buttons
10300=Formul&a Finder Options
10301=Shortcut: Ctrl+O
10311=Find the compounds that match the specified parameters
10320=Prin&t ...
10330=Copy as RT&F
10331=Copy results to clipboard in Rich Text Format
10341=Copy results to clipboard
10345=&Display Iso Abundance
10346=Display the Isotopic Distribution of the currently selected compound (Ctrl+D)
; Option Buttons
10350=Match &Molecular Weight
10360=Match &Percent Compositions
; CheckBoxes
10370=Ppm Mode
; Elements (and Custom element phrase)
; Messages
10450=A key was pressed.
10460=The mouse was clicked outside the results box.
10465=Stopping formatting.
10470=Stopping sort.
10480=The sum of the percent compositions is not 100%.
10485=Continue with calculation?
10490=Cannot Calculate
10500=A key was pressed.
10505=The mouse was clicked outside the results box.
10510=Stopping calculations.
10515=The maximum number of hits has been reached.
10520=Maximum Hits
10530=Compounds found
; Note: the following is used when displaying the results of a percent composition
; search in the formula finder. A synonym for 'has' would be 'contains' or 'is composed of'
10540=A memory error has occurred. The results list is probably full. Results so far are shown.
10545=Out of Memory
10550=The results box is empty.
10555=Nothing to Copy
10560=Nothing to Print
10565=Are you sure you want to print the current result(s)?
10800=Finder Options
; Labels
10810=Use the checkboxes to select various options for the Formula Finder.
; Textboxes & Comboboxes
10821=Minimum charge to limit compounds to
10831=Maximum charge to limit compounds to
10840=Thorough Search|Bounded Search
10841=A thorough search finds all matching compounds while a bounded search finds compounds within a specific atomic range (thorough is usually faster).
10850=Sort by Formula
10851=Method to sort results. Re-calculate to re-sort.
10855=Sort by Charge
10860=Sort by MWT
10865=Sort by m/z
10870=Mass/Charge Ratio of Target
10875=Molecular Weight of Target
; CheckBoxes
10900=Find &Charge
10901=Compute the overall charge of each compound found
10910=Limit Charge &Range
10911=Limit the displayed compounds to a specific charge range
10920=Find m/&z
10921=Compute the mass to charge ratio for each compound found
10930=Find &Target m/z
10931=Find compounds with m/z values equivalent to the target
10940=So&rt Results
10941=Convert results to empirical formulas and sort them
10950=&Smart H atoms
10951=Limit number of hydrogen atoms in found compounds to a realistic number
10960=&Automatically adjust Min and Max in bounded search.
10961=Automatically adjust the Min and Max search values to a valid range for the given target weight
11106=Amount of compound to be dissolved in solvent
11111=Density of the compound
11121=Volume of solvent the compound is dissolved in
11131=Concentration of compound in the solvent
; Buttons
11150=Find &Amount
11151=Calculate the amount using the volume and concentration
11160=Find &Volume
11161=Calculate the volume using the amount and concentration
11170=Find &Concentration
11171=Calculate the concentration using the amount and volume
; Dilution-related controls
11200=Dilution Calculations
11205=Evaporation or Sublimation Calculations
11210=Find Required Dilution Volumes|Find Required Total Volume|Find Final Concentration|Find Initial Concentration
11211=Quantity to find for dilution calculations
11220=&Link Initial Dilution Concentration and Convert Amounts Concentration
11221=Copy the Computed Concentration for converting amounts to the Initial Concentration for dilutions and vice versa if either changes
11230=Link Dilution Volume Units
11231=Synchronize the units for the Volume of Stock, Volume of Solvent, and Final Total Volume
; Dilution related labels and textbox tooltips
11250=&Initial Concentration
11256=Concentration of solute in stock solution
11260=Volume of &Stock Solution
11266=Volume (aliquot) of stock solution to remove when performing dilution
11270=&Final Concentration
11276=Concentration of solute in final solution following dilution
11280=Volume of Solvent used for &Dilution
11286=Volume of solvent to mix with the stock solution (aliquot) removed for dilution
11290=&Total Final Volume
11296=Total volume of the final solution following mixing of stock and diluting solvent
11500=Molecular Weight Calculator Preferences
; Frame labels
11510=Abbreviation Mode (F3)
11520=Case Recognition Mode (F4)
11530=Standard Deviation Mode (F12)
11540=Advanced Tools Weight Mode Options
11550=Exit Program Options
; Buttons
11600=&Save options as defaults
11610=&Restore default options
; Option Buttons
11651=Recognize normal abbreviations, but not amino acids
11655=Normal + Amino Acids
11656=Recognize normal abbreviations and amino acids
11661=Ignore all abbreviations
11665=Convert Case Up
11666=Correctly capitalize formulas while parsing
11670=Exact Case
11671=Require user to type formulas with correct capitalization
11675=Smart Case
11676=Interpret lowercase formulas, and do not capitalize them
11681=Display standard deviations in abbreviated form
11686=Display standard deviations in scientific notation
11691=Display standard deviations in long decimal form
11696=Do not display standard deviations
11700=Exit on Escape with confirmation
11701=Determines if the escape key exits program and whether to confirm program exit
11705=Exit on Escape without confirmation
11710=Ignore escape key but confirm exit
11715=Ignore escape key and do not confirm exit
; CheckBoxes
11750=Ad&vance on Calculate (F9)
11751=Move to a new formula line after calculating a formula's weight
11760=Treat &Brackets as Parentheses
11761=Treat brackets, [ and ], as parentheses, rather than as percent solver placeholders
11770=A&uto Copy Current Molecular Weight (Ctrl+U)
11771=Automatically copy the selected formula's molecular weight value to the clipboard after each calculation
11780=Compute Char&ge
11781=Compute charge of compounds (very basic rules, cannot correct for double or triple bonds, etc.)
11800=Always switch to &Isotopic Mode automatically
11801=Switch to isotopic weights automatically upon entering the formula finder or peptide fragmentation module
11810=&Never show the weight mode warning dialog
11811=Never prompt about current weight mode when entering the formula finder or peptide fragmentation module
11820=&Autosave options, values, and formulas on exit
11821=Automatically save options, values, and formulas on program exit
11830=Show Caution Statements (F7)
11831=Caution when possibly confusing elemental combinations are in formulas (like Co vs. CO)
11840=Show Element Mode &Quick Switch
11841=Show option to quickly change elemental weight modes
11850=Show Tool Tips
11851=Show short help messages when mouse passes over certain buttons and areas
11860=Highlight Text Fields when Selected
11861=Highlight the entire text field when moving to it
11870=&Hide inactive program windows
11871=Hide the main program window when using the Formula Finder, Mole/Mass calculator, etc.
11881=Choose a smaller number to prevent the formula window from filling the screen. If lowering, must exit and restart program before takes effect. Maximum is dependent upon screen resolution.
11885=Maximum number of formulas to display
; Messages
11900=Autosave values option saved.
11910=Default options restored.
11920=Values and formulas saved.
11925=Values and formulas NOT saved since /X command line option was used.
11930=Default options saved.
11935=Default options NOT saved since /X command line option was used.
12000=Peptide Sequence Fragmentation Modelling
; General Combo Boxes
12010=1 letter notation|3 letter notation
12011=Amino acid sequence notation type
12020=&Match Ions
; Textboxes
12051=Enter amino acid sequence here
12061=Shifts the loaded ions to be matched by the given amount to correct for post-translational modifications.
; Frames, labels, and checkboxes
12150=N and C Terminus
12200=Ion Types
12210=&A Ions
12215=&B Ions
12220=&Y Ions
12230=Neutral Losses
12236=Choose ions to which losses will be applied
12240=Loss of H2O
12250=Loss of NH3
12260=Charge Options
12270=&2+ charged ions
12286=The 2+ m/z value will be computed for ions above this m/z
12300=Ion Match Options
12310=&Remove Precursor Ion
12320=Ion Mass
12330=Mass Window
12340=&Ion Matching Window
12355=Alignment &Offset
12360=Ion Statistics
12375=Remaining after binning
12380=Within tolerance
12385=Precursor not found
12390=Precursor removed
12395=Precursor not removed
; Column titles in grids
; Note: # means 'number', Immon. means 'immonium', and Seq. means 'sequence'
; Ion Types (must be exactly one letter long)
; Menu Items
12800=&Load Sequence Info
12810=&Save Sequence Info
12820=Load List of &Ions to Match
12840=&Copy Predicted Ions
12850=Copy Predicted Ions as &RTF
12855=Copy Predicted Ions as Html
12860=&Paste List of Ions to Match
12870=Clear Match Ion &List
12880=List of &Ions to Match
12900=Predicted &Mass Spectrum
12910=&Update Spectrum on Change
12920=Ion Match List &Options
12930=&Automatically Align Ions to Match
12940=&Fragmentation Modelling
; The following is an abbreviation for the word 'Location'
; Legend Items
13030=Predicted Ions
13035=Loaded Ions
; Menu Items
13100=&Export Data
13150=&Plot Type
13160=&Sticks To Zero
13170=&Gaussian Peaks
13180=Set Effective &Resolution
13190=X Axis Gridlines
13200=Y Axis Gridlines
13210=&Ticks to label (approx.)
13220=&X Axis
13230=&Y Axis
13235=Plot &Quality (affects speed)
13240=&Gaussian Representation Quality
13245=&Approximation Factor
13250=Set &X Range
13260=Set &Y Range
13270=&Autoscale Y Axis
13280=&Fix mimimum Y at zero
13290=&Zoom Out to Previous
13295=Ctrl+Z or Right Click
13300=Zoom Out to Show All
13310=&Cursor Mode
13315=Space Enables Move
13340=&Show Current Position
13342=Show &Legend
13345=Reset to &Default Options
13350=&Zoom Box
13360=Zoom &In
13365=Left Click
13370=Zoom In Horizontal
13380=Zoom In Vertical
13390=Zoom &Out
13400=Zoom Out Horizontal
13410=Zoom Out Vertical
14000=Ion Matching Options
; Buttons
14010=&Reset to Defaults
; Explanations
14050=When a list of ions is imported into the program, ions of similar mass may optionally be grouped together via a binning process to reduce the total number of data points. Next, ions around the precursor ion may be removed.
14055=Then, the intensities are normalized to the given maximum intensity and ordered by decreasing intensity. The top-most ions (number of ions to use) are divided into distinct mass regions and the ions in each region again normalized.
14060=The masses of the predicted ions for a given peptide sequence are easily computed. However, intensity values must also be assigned to the masses.
14065=The B and Y ions are typically assigned the same intensity while the A ion is typically 5 times less intense. Shoulder ions (masses ▒ 1 Da from the B and Y ions) can be added, in addition to including neutral losses (H2O and NH3).
; Frames, labels, and checkboxes
14100=Normalization Options for Imported Data
14110=&Group Similar Ions (Bin Data)
14115=Mass Window
14120=Normalized Intensity
14130=Number of Ions to Use
14140=Mass region subdivisions
14150=Ion Intensities of Predicted Ions
14160=A Ion Intensity
14165=B Ion Intensity
14170=Y Ion Intensity
14180=B/Y Ion Shoulders
14190=Neutral Losses
14500=Set Value
14710=Click to Pause
14715=Preparing to Pause
14730=(Press Escape to abort)
14740=min. elapsed/remaining
20001=Unknown element
20003=Missing closing parentheses
20004=Unmatched parentheses
20005=Cannot have a 0 directly after an element or dash (-)
20006=Number too large or must only be after [, -, ), or caret (^)
20007=Number too large
20011=Numbers should follow left brackets, not right brackets (unless 'treat brackets' as parentheses is on)
20012=A number must be present after a bracket and/or after the decimal point
20013=Missing closing bracket, ]
20014=Misplaced number; should only be after an element, [, ), -, or caret (^)
20015=Unmatched bracket
20016=Cannot handle nested brackets or brackets inside multiple hydrates (unless 'treat brackets as parentheses' is on)
20018=Unknown element
20020=There must be an isotopic mass number following the caret (^)
20022=An element must be present after the isotopic mass after the caret (^)
20023=Negative isotopic masses are not allowed after the caret (^)
20024=Isotopic masses are not allowed for abbreviations
20025=An element must be present after the leading coefficient of the dash
20026=Isotopic masses are not allowed for abbreviations; D is an abbreviation
20027=Numbers cannot contain more than one decimal point
20028=Abbreviations cannot be present in the definition for an abbreviation
20050=Target value is greater than 100%, an impossible value.
20075=Letters are not allowed in the calculator line
20076=Missing closing parenthesis
20077=Unmatched parentheses
20078=Misplaced number; or number too large, too small, or too long
20080=Misplaced operator
20081=Track variable is less than or equal to 1; program bug; please notify programmer
20082=Missing operator.
20085=Cannot take negative numbers to a decimal power
20086=Cannot take zero to a negative power
20087=Cannot take zero to the zeroth power
20089=A single positive or negative number must be present after a caret (^)
20090=Numbers cannot contain more than one decimal point
20091=You tried to divide a number by zero. Please correct the problem and recalculate.
20092=Spaces are not allowed in mathematical expressions
20093=Use a period for a decimal point
20094=Use a comma for a decimal point
20095=A number must be present after a decimal point
20100=Error Saving Abbreviation File
20110=The default abbreviation file has been re-created.
20115=The old file has been renamed
20120=[AMINO ACIDS] heading not found in MWT_ABBR.DAT file. This heading must be located before/above the [ABBREVIATIONS] heading.
20125=Select OK to continue without any abbreviations.
20130=[ABBREVIATIONS] heading not found in MWT_ABBR.DAT file. This heading must be located before/above the [AMINO ACIDS] heading.
20135=Select OK to continue with amino acids abbreviations only.
20140=The Abbreviations File was not found in the program directory
20150=Error Loading/Creating Abbreviation File
20160=Ignoring Abbreviation -- Invalid Formula
20170=Ignoring Duplicate Abbreviation
20180=Ignoring Abbreviation; Invalid Character
20190=Ignoring Abbreviation; too long
20200=Ignoring Invalid Line
20210=The default elements file has been re-created.
20220=Possibly incorrect weight for element
20230=Possibly incorrect uncertainty for element
20250=Ignoring Line; Invalid Element Symbol
20260=[ELEMENTS] heading not found in MWT_ELEM.DAT file. This heading must be located in the file.
20265=Select OK to continue with default Element values.
20270=The Elements File was not found in the program directory
20280=Error Loading/Creating Elements File
20305=Continuing with default captions.
20320=Error Saving Elements File
20330=Error Loading/Creating Values File
20340=Select OK to continue without loading default Values and Formulas.
20345=If using a Read-Only drive, use the /X switch at the command line to prevent this error.
20360=Error Saving Default Options File
20370=If using a Read-Only drive, you cannot save the default options.
20380=Error Saving Values and Formulas File
20390=If using a Read-Only drive, you cannot save the values and formulas.
20400=Error Loading/Creating Default Options File
20410=Select OK to continue without loading User Defaults.
20440=The language file could not be successfully opened or was formatted incorrectly.
20450=Unable to load language-specific captions
20460=The language file could not be found in the program directory
20470=The file requested for molecular weight processing was not found
20480=File Not Found
20490=This file already exists. Replace it?
20500=File Exists
20510=Error Reading/Writing files for batch processing
20515=Select OK to abort batch file processing.
20520=Error in program
20530=These lines of code should not have been encountered. Please notify programmer.
20540=You can't edit elements because the /X switch was used at the command line.
20545=You can't edit abbreviations because the /X switch was used at the command line.
20550=Percent solver cannot be used when brackets are being treated as parentheses. You can change the bracket recognition mode by choosing Change Program Preferences under the Options menu.
20555=Percent Solver not Available
20560=Maximum number of formula fields exist.
20570=Current formula is blank.
20580=Turn off Percent Solver (F11) before creating a new formula.
20590=An overflow error has occured. Please reduce number sizes and recalculate.
20600=An error has occured
20605=Please exit the program and report the error to the programmer. Select About from the Help menu to see the E-mail address.
20610=Spaces are not allowed in formulas
20620=Invalid Character
20630=Cannot copy to new formula.
20650=Current formula is blank.
20655=Percent Solver mode is on (F11 to exit mode).
20660=Warning, isotopic mass is probably too large for element
20662=Warning, isotopic mass is probably too small for element
20665=vs avg atomic wt of
20670=Warning, isotopic mass is impossibly small for element
20680=Note: Exact Case Mode is on
20685=Note: for % Solver, a left bracket must precede an x
20690=Note: brackets are being treated as parentheses
20700=One or more elements must be checked.
20705=Maximum hits must be greater than 0.
20710=Maximum hits must be less than
20715=Minimum number of elements must be 0 or greater.
20720=Minimum number of elements must be less than maximum number of elements.
20725=Maximum number of elements must be less than 65,025
20730=An atomic weight must be entered for custom elements.
20735=Atomic Weight must be greater than 0 for custom elements.
20740=Target molecular weight must be entered.
20745=Target molecular weight must be greater than 0.
20755=A maximum molecular weight must be entered.
20760=Maximum molecular weight must be greater than 0.
20765=Target percentages must be entered for element
20770=Target percentage must be greater than 0.
20775=Custom elemental weights must contain only numbers or only letters. If letters are used, they must be for a single valid elemental symbol or abbreviation.
20780=Custom elemental weight is empty. If letters are used, they must be for a single valid elemental symbol or abbreviation.
20785=Unknown element or abbreviation for custom elemental weight
20790=Only single elemental symbols or abbreviations are allowed.
20800=Caution, no abbreviations were loaded -- Command has no effect.
20900=Error Reading/Writing sequence information file.
20910=Ions are already present in the ion list. Replace with new ions?
20920=Replace Existing Ions
20930=Loading Ion List
20940=Process aborted
20950=Normalizing ions
20960=Normalizing by region
20965=Sorting by Intensity
20970=Matching Ions
20980=The clipboard is empty. No ions to paste.
20985=No ions
20990=Pasting ion list
21000=Determining number of ions in list
21010=Parsing list
21020=No valid ions were found on the clipboard. A valid ion list is a list of mass and intensity pairs, separated by commas, tabs, or spaces. One mass/intensity pair should be present per line.
21030=Error writing data to file
21040=Set Range
21050=Start Val
21055=End Val
21060=Set X Axis Range
21065=Set Y Axis Range
21070=Enter a new Gaussian Representation quality factor. Higher numbers result in smoother Gaussian curves, but slower updates. Valid range is 1 to 50, default is 20.
21072=Gaussian Representation Quality
21075=Enter a new plotting approximation factor. Higher numbers result in faster updates, but give a less accurate graphical representation when viewing a wide mass range (zoomed out). Valid range is 1 to 50, default is 10.
21077=Plotting Approximation Factor
21080=Resolving Power Specifications
21090=Resolving Power
21100=X Value of Specification
21110=Please enter the approximate number of ticks to label on the axis
21115=Axis Ticks
21120=Creating Gaussian Representation
21130=Preparing plot
21135=Drawing plot
21140=Are you sure you want to restore the default plotting options?
21145=Restore Default Options
21150=Auto Align Ions
21155=Maximum Offset
21160=Offset Increment
21165=Aligning Ions
21500=All Files
21510=Text Files
21520=Data Files
21530=Sequence Files
21540=Ion List Files
; Note: Caution statement keynames are case sensitive; i.e. Bi is different than BI
; You may add new caution statements if desired; however, you will need to save
; the file with a name other than Lang_English and change the Language= key
; since this file is not loaded if the language is English
Bi=Bi means bismuth; BI means boron-iodine.
Bk=Bk means berkelium; BK means boron-potassium.
Bu=Bu means the butyl group; BU means boron-uranium.
Cd=Cd means cadmium; CD means carbon-deuterium.
Cf=Cf means californium; CF means carbon-fluorine.
Co=Co means cobalt; CO means carbon-oxygen.
Cs=Cs means cesium; CS means carbon-sulfur.
Cu=Cu means copper; CU means carbon-uranium.
Dy=Dy means dysprosium; DY means deuterium-yttrium.
Hf=Hf means hafnium; HF means hydrogen-fluorine.
Ho=Ho means holmium; HO means hydrogen-oxygen.
In=In means indium; IN means iodine-nitrogen.
Nb=Nb means niobium; NB means nitrogen-boron.
Nd=Nd means neodymium; ND means nitrogen-deuterium.
Ni=Ni means nickel; NI means nitrogen-iodine.
No=No means nobelium; NO means nitrogen-oxygen.
Np=Np means neptunium; NP means nitrogen-phosphorus.
Os=Os means osmium; OS means oxygen-sulfur.
Pd=Pd means palladium; PD means phosphorus-deuterium.
Ph=Ph means phenyl, PH means phosphorus-hydrogen.
Pu=Pu means plutonium; PU means phosphorus-uranium.
Py=Py means pyridine; PY means phosphorus-yttrium.
Sb=Sb means antimony; SB means sulfor-boron.
Sc=Sc means scandium; SC means sulfur-carbon.
Si=Si means silicon; SI means sulfur-iodine.
Sn=Sn means tin; SN means sulfor-nitrogen.
TI=TI means tritium-iodine, Ti means titanium.
Yb=Yb means ytterbium; YB means yttrium-boron.
BPY=BPY means boron-phosphorus-yttrium; Bpy means bipyridine.
BPy=BPy means boron-pyridine; Bpy means bipyridine.
Bpy=Bpy means bipyridine.
Cys=Cys means cysteine; CYS means carbon-yttrium-sulfur.
His=His means histidine; HIS means hydrogen-iodine-sulfur.
Hoh=HoH means holmium-hydrogen; HOH means hydrogen-oxygen-hydrogen (aka water).
Hyp=Hyp means hydroxyproline; HYP means hydrogen-yttrium-phosphorus.
OAc=OAc means oxygen-actinium; Oac means acetate.
Oac=Oac means acetate.
Pro=Pro means proline; PrO means praseodymium-oxygen.
PrO=Pro means proline; PrO means praseodymium-oxygen.
Val=Val means valine; VAl means vanadium-aluminum.
VAl=Val means valine; VAl means vanadium-aluminum.